Background and Buildup


Historical Context

Conflict: The RisingEaster Week 1916


Broken Barrier


Historical Context​​​​​​​​​​​

Backround and Buildup

United Irishmen Rebellion and The Act of Union

Theobald Wolfe Tone formed the Society of United Irishmen in 1791 to eliminate British influence in Ireland. The United Irishmen Rebellion began in 1798 and lasted only 3 months. 30,000 people were killed and many of the leaders were executed. As a consequence, the British created The Act of Union which joined Ireland and Great Britain. This act angered many Irish and sparked the idea of Irish Republicanism.

Act of Union of 1801

Meeting of the United Irishmen

The Great Famine 

In 1845, a blight made the potato crop inedible. Because the potato was the main food source in Ireland, millions of people died or were forced to emigrate. Many Irish blamed the British as they had done nothing to help, and their anger toward them grew.

Starving family in Mayo leaving their homes in search of food

Starving Family

Home Rule and World War I

Support for Home Rule (Parliament rule from Dublin, rather than London) grew after the Famine by those in the South. The North (Ulster) wanted rule to remain in London. The majority of the Ulster people were Protestant. Ulster leaders promised to fight if Ireland got Home Rule because they believed it would be run by the Catholic Church. Both sides armed themselves forming the Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) and the Irish Volunteer Force (IVF). In 1914, Home Rule was voted into Parliament, but World War I put Home Rule on hold.

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